Información de conformidad con el artículo 10 de la LSSI
The owner of this website is:
NIF: A17023813
Address: Av. Dels Segadors, sn 17421 Riudarenes
Tel .: 972856050
Email: [email protected]
Registered in the Mercantile Registry of Girona, 15th inscription, Sheet GI-2152, Folio 196, Volume 116
Terms of use
The use of this website implies full acceptance of the terms and conditions of this legal notice. The possible conflicts related to this website will be governed exclusively by the law of the Spanish State. All person using the website, regardless of the territorial jurisdiction from which their access, accept compliance and respect of these clauses with express waiver of any other jurisdiction that could correspond to him.
Intellectual and industrial property
The entire content of this website, whether texts, images, sounds, brands, logos or others
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materials, are protected by industrial and intellectual property rights that the user of this site
web must respect. Its transformation or alteration, public communication or any other is not lawful form of exploitation by any procedure without the express authorization of BATALLÉ.
Responsibility for content
Although CÁRNICA BATALLÉ, S.A. acts with the maximum possible diligence, it may be the case that some data or information is not completely updated at the time the user of the website consults it. By Therefore, the information presented on this website has a guiding function and does not oblige GROUP BATALLE.
GRUPO BATALLÉ no será responsable de la información que se pueda obtener a través de enlaces incluidos en su Web.
BATALLÉ se reserva la facultad de efectuar, en cualquier momento y sin previo aviso, modificaciones o actualizaciones de la información y de cualquiera de los elementos que integran el diseño y configuración del sitio Web.
Applicable law and jurisdiction:
The use of this website implies full acceptance of the terms and conditions of this policy legal. Possible conflicts related to this website will be governed exclusively by Spanish legislation, being competent the Spanish Courts and Tribunals to know how many questions arise about her. The user, by virtue of their acceptance, expressly renounces any jurisdiction that application of the current Civil Procedure Law may correspond to it.